Saturday, June 14, 2014

Frenemies Forever: The Saga Continues.

وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ
 (Al Quran -Surah 93 verse 10)
"And as for the petitioner, do not repel {him}"

This is post i wrote way back but never got round to publishing:

My father told me something that has stuck with me all my life.  He said that his father told him to never turn away anyone who came to him for help empty handed. I later read the above ayah from surat Ad-Dhuha and I realized once again that I am born of a people that know their Creator and strive to fulfill their duties to Him. That is who we are.  My grandfather was well known for his "open hand", as were many of his predecessors, and my father kept this up.  Our house was always full of people needing something and they would most likely get what they wanted, or at the least a meal for that day.

Now, if you read my previous post here, then you will know that I have a frenemy from hell.  We haven't spoken for almost a year and life is a lot more peaceful.  Recently her housemaid gave me a call to ask for some help.  What can I say, I'm just like that, people always come to me with their problems and I never turn them away empty handed because I figure the least I can do is give some advice or moral support.  She wanted to return back to her homeland at the end of the year, but her boss wanted her to pay for her own ticket for whatever reason.  I advised her to go back and appeal once again to her boss.  If he refused then she would just have to save whatever she could up until December and I would do my best to help her in whatever way I could.

I didn't ask her when, why or what, but the next thing I know she's calling me from the airport in indignation. Why? Mrs Frenemy found out she had spoken to me and immediately cancelled her visa and packed her off.  She's back now in a better job, but that move Mrs Frenemy? That was a low blow delivered to someone who practically brought up your kids for several years of their lives. 

Back again

So here I am a whole year and some later. Blogging for me is cathartic it's like therapy, I swear! Which doesn't say much for my state  because if it's therapy, then I've been away from it for over a year and I've got lots to spill.

Update on Mum, she's much better but her illness is incurable so she is on dialysis 3 times a week. Not easy at all! Lots of ups and downs and some plateaus in between. Hospitals have become like a 2nd home sadly. Care giving while working full time and taking care of a family as well! When do I breathe let alone write? I miss writing!