Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wow! It's Getting Hot Again

I feel so bad! I have been neglecting my blog, life has taken over every second of my day and I can hardly find five minutes to catch up and put my thoughts into words. And the weather is back to "HOT HOT HOT".  Temperatures have been soaring and tempers at work have been flaring.  It seems people are talking at high volume this week and it's driving me insane!.  What's going on? 

Update: Mr. Big Staring Eyes has been transferred to another department so I no longer have to tolerate his goggly eyes on me, eww!  But I do feel bad for him because he was demoted from being a Team Leader, to 'just" a Senior Engineer.  I swear I had nothing to do with it!!  He must have made the wrong people mad....